GreenPoint CBD Shop is a store of legal CBD hemp products. We specialize in the different branches of hemp light application, from food, therapeutic, cosmetics, pet products, accessories and recreation, to hemp flowers.
CBD, or in the specialized jargon "cannabidiol," is the second most present substance in the Cannabis plant: it has no psychoactive effects, is not addictive in the human body, and has a wide range of applications in the health world.
Several scientific studies worldwide are carrying out research on the effects and possible scope of application. There is increasing interest from the scientific community in the therapeutic potential of CBD, as already demonstrated in several medical research studies, and it is already being used for the treatment of numerous health issues.
Come learn about our collaboration with Slow Weed, 100% made-in-Ticino products that won the CannaSwissCup.
You will find an assortment of many CBD / CBG products, for us people or your four-legged pets and other products related to the topic, with respective descriptions in detail, or drop by our Shop in Ascona directly to see them live.
If you would like to go to our store located in Ascona, you can find our exact location in the contacts or directly on Google.
The GreenPoint CBD Shop is committed to processing your orders, paid for, in the following 24h, Monday through Saturday.
Normal shipping is free from CHF 100.--
While express Luna shipping from CHF 150.--
Stay Green & Enjoy Life!
Home delivery via Swiss Post
Processing paid orders within 24h
Online payments with SSL certificate
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